Tagged as career near Brisbane

The list below contains things which we have tagged with the term 'career'.

We consider them all equally generically suitable for or related to the term 'career', and we have made no attept at all to review, rate, rank or compare anything below with anything else below realtive to that term.

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  • Tagged as career near Brisbane
    Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

    Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is a relatively young university, but it has been steadily gaining a reputation for being cutting edge in technological areas including Science and Engineering and Information Technology.

    With an annual income of approximately $1 Billion it is half the size of its bigger competitor, however QUT has a prominent and enviable location right on the doorstep of the Brisbane CBD adjoining the Botanical Gardens.

    Other universities lag behind, as QUT gives its Information Technology students solid exposure to the latest and most widely used technologies, languages and frameworks. With decades of QUT graduates now established in their careers within some of the most technical companies and businesses within Brisbane, they are increasingly having influence over the hiring decisions of those companies. As a result new graduates from QUT are finding their education more highly regarded within the industry.

  • Tagged as career near Brisbane
    University of Queensland (UQ)

    University of Queensland (UQ) has long been regarded as unquestionably the best University in Queensland. Unchallenged in any area of teaching, academia or research for so long, the streangth of its reputation and depth of its Alumnus runs very deep. Even as recent as few decades ago, most employers regarded having University of Queensland on your resume the biggest stamp of approval possible from a Queensland University.

    However, in recent years other Queensland universities have been gaining their own notoriety within specfici areas. For example Queensland University of Technology is gaining a reputation for being cutting edge in technological areas including Science and Engineering and Information Technology. Similarly, Bond University is carving out a reputation in areas traditionally dominated by University of Queensland, such as Law, where Bond Uniiversity regualrly ranks higher than other Queensland Universities for Graduate Outcomes.

    In 2019 income exceeded $2 Billion for the first time. Covid has imapcted income significantly by $400 Million and $600 Million and, like all Universities, it will be years before the level of international student enrolments returns to the levels which existed prior to Covid-19.

    University of Queensland is also fighting ongoing controversy and legal actions related to the expulsion of student activist Drew Pavlou. Pavlou was expelled by the University of Queensland disciplinary and appeals boards for "serious misconduct", however, in June 2020, Pavlou claims their action was due to his political comments, and has launched a case against the University of Queensland alleging University of Queensland had committed a breach of contract and defamed him and he is seaking A$3.5 million in compensation.

    The University of Queensland School of Medicine is the highest ranked medical school in Brisbane and the 5th highest ranked Medical School in Australia. It excels in all of its primary education areas of Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Public Health.